Good news everyone!
There will be a 12 hour extension to the deadline of SoME3, so:
Submissions will now close at midnight UTC on Friday, August 18th
Peer Review will start at 4:00 PM UTC on Saturday, August 19th
We had previously had submissions closing on August 18th at noon UTC so we could do admin work in the afternoon and get ready for the peer review on the following day; however, we realized this was confusing to those submitting content. After all, if the deadline is on the 18th, shouldn't they have the full day to submit?
We agree. With the new deadlines, you will be able to submit at any time on August 18th in virtually any timezone.
On the other hand, we know people are anticipating the peer review this year, so we are keeping it on Saturday, August 19th but pushing it back 4 hours so we can get all the admin work done on time.
The new times are now reflected on the website:
Good luck! We are really excited to see what everyone has made!